Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Amazing Selling Machine continues .... What's next ?

Our Psychics are channeling the future of the Amazing Selling Machine !

Today we received another spam email invited to joint the Amazon peddlers looking for an exit strategy promoted by email list gathering con-artist saying - join now the doors are closing soon. As we mentioned in our previous post the guys recruiting desperate suckers into investing $4000 each with nothing but a few videos and a promise (inferred) that they'll get rich quick on Amazon.
Whats next for the amazing bs duo? We gathered our world renowned psychics (that couldn't predict the tomorrows date)  and asked that very question ......... After numerous crustal balls caresses, tarot card flipping, some Ouija board consultations, tea leaf readings, and a reading of chicken bones on the table just for good measure - we have an unanimous prediction ........
Matt Clark and his sidekick Jason will be recording the "training webinars" made to convince the conned knuckleheads that they got something besides smoke and mirrors for their $3500 to $4000 investment - and will create a new product and boast how much others paid to justify an opportunity to view the same regurgitated information for a measly $997 !
Only in the world of Internet or information marketing is it possible to sell "training" for thousands to desperate people when the same information wouldn't fill a small book, But you can't sell a book for $4000 - can you?